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motion artifact中文是什么意思

用"motion artifact"造句"motion artifact"怎么读"motion artifact" in a sentence


  • 运动伪影


  • Correction of ct motion artifacts
  • Motion artifact cancellation in electrogastrograms using reconstruction of the wavelet transform modulus maxima
  • High frequency electri - cutlery and motion artifact are important reasons of measurement error and wrong warning message
  • Dues to several factor result in motion artifacts that will make diagnoses to be difficult , the registration is essential
  • While motion artifact is caused by non - regular shiver of patient . given enough time delayed , motion artifact signal have poor or even no self - corelation . so do the other sort of interaction noise . thus these two category of signal may be distinguished by there characteristic of self - correlation , and the noise may be eliminated
  • A simulation method is proposed to predict the motion artifacts of plasma display panels ( pdps ) . the method simulates the behavior of the human vision system when perceiving moving objects . the simulation is based on the measured temporal light properties of the display for each gray level and each phosphor . both the effect of subfield arrangement and phosphor decay are involved . a novel algorithm is proposed to improve the calculation speed . the simulation model manages to predict the appearance of the motion image perceived by a human with a still image . the results are validated by a set of perceptual evaluation experiments . this rapid and accurate prediction of motion artifacts enables objective characterization of the pdp performance in this aspect
  • Abstract : a simulation method is proposed to predict the motion artifacts of plasma display panels ( pdps ) . the method simulates the behavior of the human vision system when perceiving moving objects . the simulation is based on the measured temporal light properties of the display for each gray level and each phosphor . both the effect of subfield arrangement and phosphor decay are involved . a novel algorithm is proposed to improve the calculation speed . the simulation model manages to predict the appearance of the motion image perceived by a human with a still image . the results are validated by a set of perceptual evaluation experiments . this rapid and accurate prediction of motion artifacts enables objective characterization of the pdp performance in this aspect
用"motion artifact"造句  
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